Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Long Time Gone...

When we last parted, I left you with a whirlwind of fall events. In my absence, even more exciting events have occurred!
First, there was …

Then there was...
Halloween Costume Party!

Next, it was time to Deck the Halls...

After all the Christmas festivities, there was another girls' trip to Atlanta...

This time for LADY GAGA!!!

Then there was a reunion with college friends in honor of Ann and Baby William!

Then we travelled to Nashville to ring in the New Year...

And who could forget this moment of glory??

In February, Clint and I celebrated Carnival and attended a Mobile Mardi Gras ball...

And finally, this is what we have next up on the agenda!

This Friday Clint and I will officially be homeowners! It has been a lengthy hunt with lots of obstacles along the way, but we finally found a home that will be the perfect place to start our new life together.

Aside from buying our first home, another New Year’s resolution was to really make it a point to start blogging more. This is such a special time in my life, and in Clint’s life, and these are memories that we will want to reflect on someday. So in lieu of scrapbooks or a journal, I want to focus on capturing our successes, challenges, and memories here as we take the plunge into marriage and home ownership.

That being said, we have decided to set a wedding date for Spring 2011. In fact, we are leaning towards March 12, 2011 as THE BIG DAY. I recently attended the Bromberg’s Bridal Brunch and Bridal Market (at the invitation of my sweet friend Calley) and got so many wonderful ideas. We also go to meet Melissa Rycroft from The Bachelor (Jason Mesnick’s season) and hear details of her recent wedding. Such fun!

As soon as we are settled in the house, I’ll have full focus on wedding details! Can’t wait to share with you all!


1 comment:

Candace said...

YAY for blogging. YAY for a beautiful home. YAY for life.